A Message from our Founder…
Patricia Washington
“I’m a Cape Girardeau girl through and through but I’ve been blessed to work and make friends across Missouri. This campaign was inspired by the many dear friends in my hometown who show me love and demonstrate every day that there is more that unites us than divides us. There is so much hate and division in our world right now; we can do better, Missouri. We ARE better. Thank you for your supporting #ShowMOLove!
There’s a lot of love in Missouri.
Let’s Spread Some Around!
ShowMOLove is a promotional campaign sponsored by Advancing Equity Missouri, Incorporated (AEM). AEM is a registered 501 (c) 3 Missouri nonprofit dedicated to building stronger, more inclusive communities throughout Missouri by promoting respect and love for all. From Rockport to Rock Hill, through the Bootheel to Lincoln University and up to Lincoln Township…Missouri is full of people who work hard, play hard, and love hard.
ShowMOLove is designed to showcase the heart and soul of the people who call Missouri home. We hope you will embrace the spirit of the campaign and get involved! Visit our Facebook page and upload photos showing the people and things you love about Missouri. Volunteer at our events. Send us an email and tell us your Missouri love story, you could be featured in one of our promotions! And don’t forget to show your love with a yard sign or other unique swag from our ShowMOLove shop!